The Stonington Borough Merchants Association is an organization of merchants and businesses working together to promote Stonington Borough as a shopping, dining and one-of-a-kind tourist destination. Our mission is to coordinate marketing efforts and create opportunities for members to improve commerce, enhance the visitor experience and build value for Stonington Borough residents.

Why Join the SBMA? 

Unlike other regional chambers, The Stonington Borough Merchants Association focuses ALL of our efforts on promoting Stonington Borough. That means we gather data from our members, residents, partners, website and events to improve and enhance our strategy to drive traffic to your business

The SBMA’s Primary Objectives: 

  • Create awareness and promote Stonington Borough as a shopping, dining and one-of-a-kind tourist destination 

  • Coordinate, plan and execute marketing efforts, promotions and events 

  • Consolidate advertising, design and marketing costs for a bigger “bang for your buck” 

  • Create brand consistency, reduce redundant efforts and mixed messaging 

  • Work with non-profits, the Historical Society and other partners to cross-promote 

  • Improve the commercial success of Stonington Borough businesses 

  • Enhance the overall visitor experience 

What your Membership Dues Cover: 

  • website: maintenance, content, photography, analytics, member listing in business directory, image/description/contact information in Guides, merchant spotlights 

  • Social media content and management 

  • Print and digital advertising costs 

  • Printing and distribution costs

  • Membership dues to regional Chamber of Commerce

  • Overall strategy and planning for marketing campaigns and promotions for Borough-wide events: social media, digital content, materials, media submissions 

What are the Benefits of aN SBMA Membership? 

  • Access to a growing and opted-in subscriber base 

  • Social media and online exposure to SBMA’s targeted and engaged followers 

  • Cross-promotion and networking opportunities with other local businesses 

  • Higher potential for local and national media attention 

  • Comprehensive and targeted marketing and design support that you don’t have to manage 

  • Results driven by a communication strategy with a singular, cohesive voice 


Lyndsay Meiklem Dean, The Vegan Potter and owner of Glaze Handmade, talks about her experience with the Stonington Borough Merchants Association (SBMA).



Merchants, restaurants, service businesses and landlords within the Stonington Borough footprint are welcome and encouraged to join the Stonington Borough Merchants Association. The footprint encompasses Route 1 to Stonington Point, from Lambert’s Cove / Stonington Harbor to Wequetequock Cove. 


For current rates or a membership kit, please contact us at one of the email addresses listed below.





You may also join or renew by filling out the 2025 Membership Application and mailing it along with a check made payable to SBMA. PO Box 821, Stonington, CT 06378


Get Involved:

Meetings are held quarterly from 8:30 - 9:30 am at the Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer House. Agendas are provided and meeting notes are emailed to all members. All members are encouraged to attend; support and participation is appreciated. The SBMA Board of Directors are volunteers who also run their own businesses, so please consider joining committees or enlisting your staff to help whenever possible. Thoughts and ideas are welcome! 

Board of Directors: 

Anne Fix, Yali Stonington

Deborah Norman, Grand & Water Antiques 

Chelsea Parrilla, Wm. Cole

Elizabeth Wood, Stonington Historical Society

General Contact:


Mailing address: PO Box 821, Stonington, CT 06378 

Join Us! 

Want to learn more about magical Stonington Borough? We’d also love to hear about your local business. If you would like to be added to our directory, submit an event or join the Stonington Borough Merchants Association, please email us at

Current Members Include:

Bare Bones Aesthetics

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties

Boro Bodega and Scoopery

Carolyn Yost Estate Jewelry & Stonington Antiques Etc.

Cove Ledge Liquors

C. Kramer Interiors

Dessa Lea Productions

Dime Bank

Dog Watch Café

Driscoll Design Shop

GLAZE Handmade

Grand & Water Antiques

Grand & Water Re-design

Historic Stonington (formerly the Stonington Historical Society)

Indigo Bleu

Indulge Coffee and Sandwich Co.

Inn at Stonington

James Merrill House

Julia M Leeming Architect, LLC

La Grua Center

Leeward Inn


Maggie Lee Designs

Michael McKinley & Associates

Milagro Café

New England Science & Sailing (NESS)

Noah's Restaurant


Saltwater Farm Vineyard

Ship Shape Shop

Stille Space

Stonington Community Center (COMO)

Stonington Consign to Design

Stonington Frame Shoppe

Stonington Free Library

Stonington Garden Club

Stonington Jewelry at Cannon Square

Stonington Sea Glass

Stonington Village Improvement Association (SVIA)

Switz Real Estate Assoc.

The Velvet Mill

Tucci Design

Velvet Mill Artist Group

Water Street Design Associates

Wm. Cole

Yali Stonington

Zest Fresh Pastry