The 2022 Find the Buoy Holiday Scavenger Hunt Winners!
This was the second year of the Find the Buoy Holiday Scavenger Hunt in Stonington Borough and it was even better than the first. We had a total of 18 buoy locations and 16 merchants contributed gift cards to the grand prize worth $950! We had an additional 3 prizes that included one week of 1/2 Day Camp at New England Science & Sailing Foundation worth $400, a membership to the Stonington Historical Society plus 4 tickets to a La Grua Center concert worth $165, and a sterling silver buoy charm and chain worth $230 designed and created by Maggie Lee Designs. We are thrilled to announce the 2022 winners!
Linda Jorson
Winner of the tote from The Stonington Free Library filled with gift cards worth $950, courtesy of participating Stonington Borough shops + restaurants
Linda’s reaction to hearing she won the grand price was priceless! She was screaming and yelling and OMG-ing!
Cash Harenda
Winner of one week of 1/2 Day Camp at New England Science & Sailing Foundation worth $400
“My daughter and I enjoyed an afternoon on the scavenger hunt just before Christmas. Lovely time seeing what everyone in the Borough had on offer for Christmas. All the merchants were very enthusiastic about the season!”
Lisa Herzig
Winner of the membership to the Stonington Historical Society plus 4 tickets to a La Grua Center concert worth $165
“Holly is SO excited about her buoy necklace. Thank you Maggie Lee Designs!”
Holly Hinman
Winner of a sterling silver buoy charm and chain worth $230 designed and created by Maggie Lee Designs
Thank you to everyone who hunted — who visited our merchants and got their cards stamped. We hope you were able to do a little holiday shopping as well!
We’d also like to thank our wonderful businesses that served as buoy locations and donated toward the prizes: The Stonington Free Library, New England Science & Sailing Foundation, Stonington Historical Society, La Grua Center, Maggie Lee Designs, Bluebird Day Kids, Breakwater Stonington Harbor, Carolyn Yost Estate Jewelry & Stonington Antiques, Etc., Cove Ledge Beer, Wine & Spirits, Dog Watch Café, Fun Company Sample Outlet, GLAZE Handmade, Grace Your Home, Grand & Water Antiques, Indulge Coffee Co., Noah’s Restaurant, Pup Stop Boutique Barkery, Repertoire Furniture, Stonington COMO Thrift Shop, Stonington Consign to Design, Stonington Jewelry at Cannon Square, Tucci Design, Yali Stonington, and Wm. Cole.
A special thanks to Chelsea Parrilla at Wm. Cole for serving as Chair of the Find the Buoy Holiday Scavenger Hunt, and The Ocean Chamber of Commerce for loaning our merchants buoys for the hunt.