Tis the Season for Trees, Buoys, and Gifts
The holidays are off to a magical start! Stonington Borough is now host to an incredible lobster trap tree! Deck the Walls, the Stonington Historical Society’s annual wreath and decor fundraiser, starts tomorrow, Thursday, December 2nd. And Friday, December 3rd, the Stonington Village Improvement Association is hosting the traditional tree lighting and Holiday Stroll in Wadawanuck Square at 5:30 pm. Plus, we kicked off a holiday scavenger hunt that is turning out to be fun for adults and kids alike!
Photo by Molly Linder
Stonington Lobster Trap Tree
Last Saturday, Stonington Borough’s very first lobster trap tree was unveiled at the Stonington Town Docks. Decked out in twinkling lights and beautifully-painted buoys by local artists and Stonington families, the lobster trap tree is something to behold. Make sure to see it. It’s a great spot for a photo op. If you post to Instagram, tag #stoningtonlobstertraptree for a feature! It opens at dawn and will be lit every night from 4:30 pm - 10 pm until the end of January 2022.
“We’re over the moon about the lobster trap tree at the Town Docks this year. The Find the Buoy Scavenger Hunt is a great way to introduce this new holiday tradition and welcome visitors in a fun and exciting way.”
Find the Buoy Holiday Scavenger Hunt
We also kicked off the Find the Buoy Scavenger Hunt on Small Business Saturday. Hosted by the Stonington Borough Merchants Association and with support from the Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce, the nearly month-long scavenger hunt features prizes including one week of half-day camp at New England Science and Sailing (NESS) and a wreath, courtesy of The Stonington Historical Society, decorated with gift cards from participating Borough shops and restaurants worth more than $700. The winners will be drawn from submitted postcards and announced in January 2022. Click here for full details on the Find the Buoy Scavenger Hunt.
the 2021 Holiday Gift Guide
While you’re “finding the buoy,” conquer your holiday shopping. We're featuring shops that are participating in the hunt and generously donated to the prizes. From jewelry and clothing, stocking stuffers to home accents, our philosophy is to shop small, give big! Happy Holidays!